PHP : nested use of array_* is a disguised array_reduce

PHP : nested use of array_* is a disguised array_reduce
Photo by delfi de la Rua / Unsplash

I feel like in javascript you see a lot of [...].reduce() but not so much in PHP. It may be a shame not to use it because it can help you write more readable code and with less iterations.

array_reduce is all other array_* ...

Any array_* function can be replaced with an array_reduce let's see some example. Don't be fooled by its name, it doesn't necessarily reduce your array to less elements.


$original = [
        'id' => '1111',
        'name' => 'first',
        'id' => '2222',
        'name' => 'second',

        static function (array $item): string {
            return "{$item['id']}#{$item['name']}";

is the same as

$original = [
        'id' => '1111',
        'name' => 'first',
        'id' => '2222',
        'name' => 'second',

        static function (array $result, array $item): array {
            $result[] = "{$item['id']}#{$item['name']}";
            return $result;
Performance comparison

With array_map

Perf: array_map

With array_reduce

Perf: array_map as array_reduce


$original = [
        'id' => '1111',
        'name' => 'first',
        'id' => '2222',
        'name' => 'second',

        static function (array $item): bool {
            return str_starts_with($item['id'], '11');

is the same as

$original = [
        'id' => '1111',
        'name' => 'first',
        'id' => '2222',
        'name' => 'second',

        static function (array $result, array $item): array {
            if (str_starts_with($item['id'], '11')) {
                $result[] = $item;
            return $result;
Performance comparison

With array_filter

Perf: array_filter

With array_reduce

Perf: array_filter as array_reduce


$original = [
        'id' => '1111',
        'name' => 'first',
        'id' => '2222',
        'name' => 'second',


is the same as

$original = [
        'id' => '1111',
        'name' => 'first',
        'id' => '2222',
        'name' => 'second',

        static function (array $result, array $item): array {
            $result[$item['id']] = $item['name'];
            return $result;
Performance comparison

With array_column

Perf: array_filter

With array_reduce

Perf: array_column as array_reduce

... but more powerful

Combining multiple array_* can be hard to read and suffer from multiple iterations.

$original = [
        'id' => '1111',
        'name' => 'first',
        'id' => '2222',
        'name' => 'second',

        static function (array $item): string {
            return "{$item['id']}#{$item['name']}";
            static function (array $item): bool {
                return str_starts_with($item['id'], '11');

can be written as

$original = [
        'id' => '1111',
        'name' => 'first',
        'id' => '2222',
        'name' => 'second',
        static function (array $result, array $item): array {
            if (str_starts_with($item['id'], '11')) {
                $result[] = "{$item['id']}#{$item['name']}";
            return $result;

which requires only one iteration over the $original array and make it clear of what we do with each element in this array.

Performance comparison

With nested operations

Perf: nested operations

With array_reduce

Perf: nested operations with array_reduce

Beware some feature may require a weird syntax

There are still caveats using it because it doesn't give you the key of each item you iterate over which means that basically :

$original = [
    'key1' => [
        'id' => '1111',
        'name' => 'first',
    'key2' => [
        'id' => '2222',
        'name' => 'second',

        static function (array $item): string {
            return "{$item['id']}#{$item['name']}";

is NOT the same as

$original = [
    'key1' => [
        'id' => '1111',
        'name' => 'first',
    'key2' => [
        'id' => '2222',
        'name' => 'second',

        static function (array $result, array $item): array {
            $result[] = "{$item['id']}#{$item['name']}";
            return $result;

The array_map would preserve the keys but the array_reduce will convert it to a list (with incremental numeric keys).

To have access to the keys as well you need a "trick" :

$original = [
    'key1' => [
        'id' => '1111',
        'name' => 'first',
    'key2' => [
        'id' => '2222',
        'name' => 'second',

-       $original,
+       array_keys($original),
-       static function (array $result, array $item): array {
+       static function (array $result, array $key) use ($original): array {
+           $item = $original[$key];           
-           $result[] = "{$item['id']}#{$item['name']}";
+           $result[$key] = "{$item['id']}#{$item['name']}";
            return $result;

Advanced example

The following example is based on these assumptions :

  • $canonicalIds represent the id's that you already have in storage (eg in your database)
  • The user makes a PUT request on your collection meaning it want to update, create & delete some ressources in the same request.
$canonicalIds = [

$putContent = [
        'id' => 'fifth',
        'value' => 55,
        'id' => 'second',
        'value' => 22,
        'id' => 'fourth',
        'value' => 44,
        'id' => null,
        'value' => 7,

[$toCreate, $toUpdate] = array_reduce(
    static function (array $carry, array $item) use ($canonicalIds): array {
        [$toCreate, $toUpdate] = $carry;
        if (null === $item['id']) {
            $toCreate[] = $item;
        } elseif (true === in_array($item['id'], $canonicalIds, true)) {
            $toUpdate[$item['id']] = $item;
        return [

$toDelete = array_diff($canonicalIds, array_keys($toUpdate));

var_dump($toCreate, $toUpdate, $toDelete);

You now have 3 different variables with each their context. You can now safely tell doctrine for example what to do for each of the id (INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE).


Basic equivalent with multiple usage of array_* functions :


$canonicalIds = [

$putContent = [
        'id' => 'fifth',
        'value' => 55,
        'id' => 'second',
        'value' => 22,
        'id' => 'fourth',
        'value' => 44,
        'id' => null,
        'value' => 7,

$toCreate = array_filter($putContent, static function (array $item): bool {
    return null === $item['id'];

$toUpdate = array_uintersect(
    array_map(static function (string $id): array {
        return ['id' => $id];
    }, $canonicalIds),
    static function (array $putItem, array $canonicalItem): int {
        return $putItem['id'] <=> $canonicalItem['id'];

$toDelete = array_diff($canonicalIds, array_column($toUpdate, 'id'));

var_dump($toCreate, $toUpdate, $toDelete);

or using foreach :

$canonicalIds = [

$putContent = [
        'id' => 'fifth',
        'value' => 55,
        'id' => 'second',
        'value' => 22,
        'id' => 'fourth',
        'value' => 44,
        'id' => null,
        'value' => 7,

function mySort(array $canonicalIds, array $putContent): array
    $toCreate = $toUpdate = [];
    foreach ($putContent as $putItem) {
        if (null === $putItem['id']) {
            $toCreate[] = $putItem;
        } elseif (in_array($putItem['id'], $canonicalIds, true) === true) {
            $toUpdate[] = $putItem;
    $toDelete = array_diff($canonicalIds, array_column($toUpdate, 'id'));
    return [$toCreate, $toUpdate, $toDelete];

[$toCreate, $toUpdate, $toDelete] = mySort($canonicalIds, $putContent);

var_dump($toCreate, $toUpdate, $toDelete);

Performances :

With array_reduce
With array_reduce

With multiple array_*
With multiple array functions

With foreach
With foreach


At first the array_reduce seems more complicated because you have a variable that is carried over each iteration that you can modify. In the end you can see this as "call this function for each item and take what I return as the base for the next iteration. When done return this result as the final one.".

To me it helps reducing the number of iteration and improve readability over mutliple array_* functions.

Performance wise you won't gain much except if you intricate multiple array functions otherwise you might even lose some performance. Considering the numbers in display I don't think this should be an issue for most of the projects out there.

Regarding the last example (Advanced one) the foreach might be easier to implement / read but beware that I created a function (or a method if in a class) to avoid leaking unnecessary variables.

Let me know what you think !
